AUDIO-Stereoplay, Germany, November 2023
I25 DAC DM36: The cool clear one from the North
“The immense warmth of sound that the Primare can exude when reproducing voices, for example, is certainly due to the audiophile overall tuning. There is no trace of digital coolness or whatever prejudices there may be against Class D amplifiers… There may be integrated amplifiers in this price range that can provide even more brilliance in the highs, even more bass pressure or even more crystalline analytics. But when it comes to the homogeneity of the reproduction, no competition can beat the Swede.
CONCLUSION: With the Pirmare I25, music lovers get a powerful and sophisticated integrated amplifier. The I25 DAC is the hot top tip for anyone who wants to upgrade older digital sources and also wants to enjoy high-bit streaming to the fullest. Price/performance: outstanding!”