PRISMA Remote User Guide


The PRISMA Remote is an advanced remote control with the following features:

  • It will control up to four Primare products, plus your TV.
  • If you own current Primare products it will control these out of the box, with no special configuration.
  • If you own older Primare products, you can configure it to control these too.
  • You can also configure it to control the TV in your system by specifying the brand of your TV in a special free iOS or Android app.


Printing or saving as PDF

You can print an on-line Primare user guide from your web browser, to provide you with a permanent copy to refer to away from your computer.

Alternatively, you can save a user guide as PDF files, to refer to when are you not connected to the internet.

To do so, simply choose Print, or Print followed by Save as PDF, from your browser’s File menu.

For the specific procedure for each of the most popular web browsers see How do I print or save a PDF copy of the on-user guides?.


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